Digital Marketing Specialist

Role Description:

Responsible for the elaboration and management of a company’s digital marketing strategy with the goal of improving brand recognition and brand awareness.

A Digital Marketing Specialist oversees the execution of digital marketing and communication strategies involving the use of social media, email marketing, marketing automation, search engine optimisation, online events and online advertisement through data driven methodologies and by measuring and monitoring digital marketing Key Performance Indicators.

They manage and interpret competitors and consumers’ data and conduct research on market conditions.

[ESCO description for Digital Marketing Manager]

Competences Addressed:

Digital communication, Business acumen, Data handling, Agility

Key Skills:

Strategic content planning

(design an online communication plan, plan digital marketing and social media marketing campaigns)

Research and data analysis

(market research, business analysis, online competitive analysis, costumers’ need analysis)

Brand development and positioning / Content creation / Visual design / Email marketing / Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and Search Engine Marketing (SEM) / Visual design/ Critical Thinking / Creativity.